= 2.5.6 = * Fix translations for "There are no upcoming events" and "View all events" since The Events Calendar 6.x = 2.5.5 = * Fix warning message on the Widgets page * Fix saving the thumbnail settings when using the block = = * Reducing permission requirement for instructions page (Authors) = 2.5.4 = * Fix broken settings page link = 2.5.3 = * Fix for month="next" when near the end of a month = 2.5.2 = * Initial workaround for styling issues for the block in the new full-site editor = 2.5.1 = * Fixes missing categories in the block if many categories available on the site = 2.5 = * Adding div when there are no events found, to avoid display issues on some themes = 2.4 = * Updating block script dependencies = 2.3.1 = * Adds link to full documentation and short walk-through video * Developers: Adds additional param to the ecs_start_tag filter with the number of events = 2.3 = * Fix for using order='DESC' to order events in descending order by event date, with the latest version of The Events Calendar (by Modern Tribe) = 2.2.1 = * Adds block description = 2.2 = * Compatibility fixes with Divi = 2.1 = * Disables the new WP editor block if Cornerstone page builder is active due to incompatibilities = 2.0.2 = * Additional check if wp_set_script_translations exists (not with the Gutenberg plugin) = 2.0.1 = * Tweaks to handling of default values in the block = 2.0 = * Adds a block in addition to the shortcode that can be used with the new WordPress editor (as of version 5.0) or Gutenberg plugin = 1.10.1 = * Fixing error with very old versions of PHP = 1.10 = * Fix for multi-word category names not working with the "cat" option * Option to show "powered by" link = 1.9 = * Adds check for minimum WordPress and PHP version * Adds a link to a short tutorial video * Changes first example shortcode so it's easier to copy/paste = 1.8 = * Adds new orderby='title' option * Fixes resetting the WordPress global query instead of just the post data = 1.7.3 = * Hide the "at" when using venue='true' and an event has no venue * Adds additional WordPress filters to hide certain events = 1.7.2 = * Adds the ability to use schema='false' in the shortcode to hide the schema output = 1.7.1 = * Fix for month option where there's an all-day event the first day of the next month * Fix for "There are no events" string not being translated automatically into other languages = 1.7 = * Adds structured data to the shortcode output (great for SEO and people finding your events) = 1.6.1 = * Added ecs-featured-event class if event is featured * Internal changes to filtering by one or more categories = 1.6 = * Changes default ordering by the start date, use orderby="enddate" for previous default ordering = 1.5.3 = * Fixes translation of the "View all events" link into other languages * Adds orderby parameter to order by start date, but still show events until the end date has passed = 1.5.2 = * Adds 'next' option for showing the next month of events = 1.5.1 = * Adds thumbsize option (ie. medium, large, thumbnail, full) = 1.5 = * Adds ability to translate the plugin into local languages * Additional description of options = 1.4.2 = * Additional filter for changing the link for an event * Adds category CSS classes for each event, so you can format each category differently = 1.4.1 = * Additional filters for formatting a single event = 1.4 = * Checks for whether The Events Calendar is installed * Additional filters * Improved design of shortcode help page = 1.3 = * Fixes issue with "viewall" showing the events twice * Fixes time zone issue by using current_time() instead of date() * Hides events that are marked 'hide from listing' * Switches to tribe_get_events() to get the events * Removes the ... from the end of the excerpt if less than the excerpt length * Adds date_thumb option * Adds additional filters = 1.2 = * Updates author/description (Event Calendar Newsletter / Brian Hogg Consulting) = 1.0.11 = Add Link to Thumbnail merge pull request from d4mation -Replaced extracted variables with $atts as using extract was deprecated =1.0.10 = Minor Error Change - fix name and slug = 1.0.9 = Minor Error Change - Multiple Categories = 1.0.8 = Add options : multi-categories - Thanks to sujin2f = 1.0.7 = Add options : contentorder, month, past, key - Thanks to sujin2f = 1.0.6 = Fix missing ul = 1.0.5 = * Add excerpt and thumbnail - Thanks to ankitpokhrel = 1.0.2 = * Add venue to shortcode - Thanks to ankitpokhrel = 1.0.1 = * Fix Firefox browser compatibility issue = 1 = * Initial Release